Monday, July 18, 2016

Solaris: IP filter to restrict rlogin

IP filter to restrict rlogin.  only allow loopback to do.

Config file:

File content:
block in quick on e1000g2 proto tcp from any to port = 513

e1000g2 is the interface card.

Service: svcadm enable network/ipfilter

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Fedora: Enable Root Login with Display Manager


If it is sddm, then edit /etc/sddm.conf and add MinimumUid=0.
If it is kdm, then edit /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc and change
AllowRootLogin=false to AllowRootLogin=true.
The location of those two files may be different on your computer. Typing 'locate kdmrc' or 'locate sddm.conf' may help.
If you can't find sddm.conf, you may need to create one (touch /etc/sddm.conf).
kdmrc should be installed by default.