1. Add both of the following Generic JVM Arguments in the WebSphere
Admin Console:
-Xtrace:none -Xtrace:maximal=mt,methods={com/ibm/jsse2/SSLSocketImpl.<init>} -Xtrace:trigger=method{com/ibm/jsse2/SSLSocketImpl,jstacktrace} -Xtrace:stackdepth=25,output={sslsockettrace,50m} -Xdump:system:events=systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError
The use of -Xtrace:none at the beginning turns off the default Java
trace, which can be verbose. This allows us to see the java stack traces
we want more clearly in the trace file.
2. This setting is expected to produce a binary trace file named
sslsockettrace. Once the OOM has been reproduced, please format the
binary trace created from the argument above by issuing the following
command from the WPS install root/java/bin directory. Here's an example:
D:/IBM/WPS/java/bin/java com.ibm.jvm.format.TraceFormat sslsockettrace
3. Then send in the formatted file, which will be named:
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