Returns a String version of an object name given a template
Given ObjectName and name of attribute, returns value of
getAttribute Given String version of ObjectName and name of attribute,
returns value of attribute
Given ObjectName and array of attribute names, returns
getAttributes Given String version of ObjectName and attribute names,
returns String of name value pairs. Given String version
of ObjectName, returns String of all name value pairs.
getCell Returns the cell name of the connected server
getConfigId Given String version of ObjectName, return a configuration
ID for the corresponding configuration object, if any
Returns "WebSphere"
getDomainName Returns "WebSphere"
getHost Returns String representation of connected host
getMBeanCount Returns number of registered beans
Given ObjectName, returns MBeanInfo structure for MBean
getNode Returns the node name of the connected server
Given String version of ObjectName, returns ObjectInstance
object that match.
getPort Returns String representation of port in use
getType Returns String representation of connection type in use
help Shows help information
invoke_jmx Given ObjectName, name of method, array of parameters and
signature, invokes method on MBean specified
invoke Invokes a method on the specified MBean
Returns true if supplied ObjectName is registered
isRegistered Returns true if supplied String version of ObjectName is
makeObjectName Returns an ObjectName built with the given string
queryNames_jmx Given ObjectName and QueryExp, retrieves set of ObjectNames
that match.
queryNames Given String version of ObjectName, retrieves String of
ObjectNames that match
queryMBeans Given String version of ObjectName, returns a set of
ObjectInstances object that match
reconnect Reconnects with server
Given ObjectName and Attribute object, sets attribute for MBean
setAttribute Given String version of ObjectName, attribute name and
attribute value, sets attribute for MBean specified
Given ObjectName and AttributeList object, sets attributes for
the MBean specified
setAttributes Given String version of ObjectName, attribute name
and value pairs, sets attributes for the MBean specified
startServer Given the name of a server, starts that server
stopServer Given the name of a server, stops that server
testConnection Tests the connection to a DataSource object
trace Sets the wsadmin trace specification
Deletes all the user/group information for all the roles and
all the user name/password information for RunAs roles for a
given application
edit Edits the properties of an application
editInteractive Edits the properties of an application interactively
export Exports application to a file
exportDDL Exports DDL from application to a directory
exportFile Exports content of a single file from an application to a file
getDeployStatus Returns the combined Deployment status of the application
help Shows help information
install Installs an application, given a file name and an option string
Installs an application in interactive mode, given a file name
and an option string
isAppReady Checks whether the application is ready to be run
list Lists all installed applications
listModules Lists the modules in a specified application
options Shows the options available, for a given file, application,
or in general
renameApplication Rename a given application
publishWSDL Publishs WSDL files for a given application
Lists application that refers to the given JNDIName on a given
taskInfo Shows detailed information pertaining to a given install task
for a given file
uninstall Uninstalls an application, given an application name and
an option string
update Updates an installed application
updateAccessIDs Updates the user/group binding information with accessID
from user registry for a given application
updateInteractive Updates an installed application interactively
view Views an application or module, given an application or
module name
attributes Shows the attributes for a given type
checkin Checks a file into the the configuration repository
Converts a server to be the first member of a new ServerCluster
create Creates a configuration object, given a type, a parent, and
a list of attributes, and optionally an attribute name for the
new object
Creates a new server that is a member of an existing cluster
createDocument Creates a new document in the configuration repository
Creates an object using a particular template type
defaults Displays the default values for attributes of a given type
deleteDocument Deletes a document from the configuration repository
existsDocument Tests for the existence of a document in the configuration
extract Extracts a file from the configuration repository
Returns true if cross-document validation is enabled
getid Shows the configuration ID of an object, given a string version
of its containment
getObjectName Given a configuration ID, returns a string version of the
ObjectName for the corresponding running MBean, if any
getObjectType Given a configuration ID, returns a string version of the
object type
getSaveMode Returns the mode used when "save" is invoked
Returns the validation used when files are extracted from the
Returns the number of messages of a given severity from the
most recent validation
hasChanges Returns true if unsaved configuration changes exist
help Shows help information
Installs a J2C resource adapter with the given rar file name
and an option string in the node
list Lists all configuration objects of a given type
listTemplates Lists all available configuration templates of a given type
modify Changes specified attributes of a given configuration object
parents Shows the objects which contain a given type
queryChanges Returns a list of unsaved files
remove Removes the specified configuration object
required Displays the required attributes of a given type.
reset Discards unsaved configuration changes
resetAttributes Resets value of the specified attributes.
save Commits unsaved changes to the configuration repository
Sets the cross-document validation enabled mode.
setSaveMode Changes the mode used when "save" is invoked
Sets the validation used when files are extracted from the
show Shows the attributes of a given configuration object
showall Recursively shows the attributes of a given configuration
object, and all the objects contained within each attribute.
showAttribute Displays only the value for the single attribute specified.
types Shows the possible types for configuration
Uninstalls a J2C resource adapter with the given resource
adapter configuration ID.
unsetAttributes Unsets value of the specified attributes.
validate Invokes validation
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