Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cyrus IMAP Administration

Configuration Files:

Login as cyrus
$ cyradm -user cyrus localhost

localhost> help
authenticate, login, auth         authenticate to server
chdir, cd                         change current directory
createmailbox, create, cm         create mailbox
deleteaclmailbox, deleteacl, dam  remove ACLs from mailbox
deletemailbox, delete, dm         delete mailbox
disconnect, disc                  disconnect from current server
exit, quit                        exit cyradm
help, ?                           show commands
info                              display mailbox/server metadata
listacl, lam, listaclmailbox      list ACLs on mailbox
listmailbox, lm                   list mailboxes
listquota, lq                     list quotas on specified root
listquotaroot, lqr, lqm           show quota roots and quotas for mailbox
mboxcfg, mboxconfig               configure mailbox
reconstruct                       reconstruct mailbox (if supported)
renamemailbox, rename, renm       rename (and optionally relocate) mailbox
server, servername, connect       show current server or connect to server
setaclmailbox, sam, setacl        set ACLs on mailbox
setinfo                           set server metadata
setquota, sq                      set quota on mailbox or resource
subscribe, sub                    subscribe to a mailbox
unsubscribe, unsub                unsubscribe from a mailbox
version, ver                      display version info of current server
xfermailbox, xfer                 transfer (relocate) a mailbox to a different server
localhost> setquota user.dav 51200

export all user name to file
$ cyradm -user cyrus localhost -password <password> << EOF > user.txt

List all quota into text file
$ cyradm -user cyrus localhost -password <password> << EOF > user.txt

Cyrus admin to clean up mail box

$ /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/ipurge -f -b 0 <user.mailbox>

# References:

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