Friday, October 4, 2013

SVN CLI and Kwallet Integration on SuSE Linux 11


Use kwallet to save SVN credential instead of plain-text password.


Subversion client, systemsettings from KDE, kwallet, libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0


To run svn client to use kwallet, you have to run it on the client GUI console.

Install Subversion Client

Install subversion from SuSE repository,

For SLE 11 SP3 run the following as root:

# zypper addrepo
# zypper refresh
# zypper install subversion

For SLE 11 SP2 run the following as root:

# zypper addrepo
# zypper refresh
# zypper install subversion

For SLE 11 run the following as root:

# zypper addrepo
# zypper refresh
# zypper install subversion

Install Systemsettings

Ignore this step if Systemsettings has been installed on your desktop

# zypper install kdebase4-workspace

Install kwallet

Ignore this step if kwallet has been installed on your desktop

# zypper install kwallet

Install libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0

Ignore this step if libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0 package has been installed on your desktop

# zypper in libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0

Enable and configure kwallet

Login as root, and run systemsettings.

Choose Tab Advanced -> KDE Wallet

In KDE Wallet Configuration Window -> Wallet Preference:

    Check Enable KDE Wallet Subsystem, and click New button to create new wallet
    Give a name to the new wallet, i.e. aniu
    Input password to protect your wallet, and click Create
    Click Apply, then Click Launch Wallet Manager which is right above Apply Button
    Close the configuration button

Configure subversion client

Run svn, and it will create ~/.subversion folder and the configuration files needed.

# cd ~/.subversion

edit config, and add below entry in [auth] section:

password-stores = kwallet

edit server, and add below entries in [global] section:

store-passwords = yes

store-plaintext-passwords = no

Verify Integration

On client desktop, start xterm,

# cd /var/tmp

# mkdir test

# svn co <url>

After you type in username and password, a GUI window pops up to ask your wallet password, and then choose Allow Always.

You may got Segmentation Fault message, please ignore it, and run the command again.

If it says the folder has been locked, please run svn cleanup to unlock the folder, run the checkout command again.

Check the wallet, you would be able to see a new folder called Subversion with one password.

Keep your wallet password secret because with it, people can see your svn password stored in the wallet.

Run below command, it won't ask you for password anymore.

# svn up

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